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Dr. Elizabeth Stringer

Photo of Dr. Elizabeth Stringer
Pediatric Rheumatologist IWK Health Centre and Dalhousie UniversityDivision of Pediatric Rheumatology Work IWK Health Centre 5850 University Avenue Halifax Nova Scotia B3K 6R8 Canada

Dr. Stringer is a pediatric rheumatologist at the IWK Health Centre and Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Dalhousie University.  Her research has focused on the use of administrative data to estimate the prevalence and incidence of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) and systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases in children in Nova Scotia.  Dr. Stringer has completed a preliminary validation study of administrative data case definitions for JIA and has surveyed the pediatric rheumatology community in Canada regarding their billing practices to determine this may impact the use of administrative data for surveillance and research purposes.

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