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The 2015 CAHSPR Conference

Tue, May 26, 2015 - Thu, May 28, 2015
All Day

Hotel Bonaventure Montreal (formerly Hilton Bonaventure) 900 de La Gauchetiere W.
Quebec Canada

Learning From Each Other: Across disciplines, jurisdictions, and generations – In order for the Canadian healthcare system to improve, we must first change our attitude towards failure. Speakers will address this idea by bringing contemporary examples from other sectors and jurisdictions of organizations who have accomplished change.

Registration is open:
Attend in person: http://usaskhealthdatalab.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fb3e8467da186d1e20c4647fd&id=c9846dba55&e=fc97fe9794

Attend via webcast: http://usaskhealthdatalab.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fb3e8467da186d1e20c4647fd&id=e43342af44&e=fc97fe9794

For more information, please visit the forum website: http://usaskhealthdatalab.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=fb3e8467da186d1e20c4647fd&id=01f0f873ce&e=fc97fe9794

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