The CANRAD Network
The CANRAD network (CANadian Rheumatology Administrative Data Network) is a team of decision-makers, epidemiologists, clinicians and researchers funded by the Canadian Arthritis Network and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, with the support of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).
We are interested in administrative health data, including physician billing and hospitalization databases, for the research and surveillance of rheumatic disease, co-morbidity and adverse events.
The group aims to help in the exchange of best practice research and surveillance using these resources to advance the efficiency of arthritis research and surveillance across Canada. We intend to expand to include new methods and linkage of data sources for research and surveillance. The CANRAD network also hopes to assist in the uptake and use of new data as it is produced.
We have organized working groups within our teams to identify issues and opportunities related to different and specific research areas in potentially vulnerable populations.
In 2011, we developed 13 best-practice consensus statements when using administrative data in rheumatic disease research and surveillance in Canada. These statements were formulated with the intent of facilitating research using administrative data.